empty Chinook's Breakaway
Bay Clydesdale stallion customized from the Breyer Traditional Clydesdale Mare and owned by Michelle Grant; created in 1987

empty Chinook's Fancy That
Bay sabino Clydesdale mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Clydesdale Mare and owned by Michelle Grant; created in 1987

empty Chinook's Wolfgang
Bay Clydesdale gelding customized from the Breyer Traditional Clydesdale Mare and owned by Michelle Grant; created in 1986

empty Chinook's Constanze
Bay Clydesdale mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Clydesdale Mare and owned by Michelle Grant; created in 1987

empty Chinook's H Colleen
Dapple blond chestnut Belgian mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Clydesdale Mare with an Adios head and owned by Michelle Grant; created in 1990

empty Chinook's Winds
Chestnut Belgian gelding customized from the Breyer Traditional Roy and owned by Debbie Weyer; created in 1990

empty Chinook's Crazy Canuck
Dapple blond chestnut Belgian gelding customized from the Breyer Littlebit Drafter and owned by Kate Cabot; created in 199?

empty Chinook's Personal Choice
Bay sabino Clydesdale mare customized from the Breyer Traditional Clydesdale Mare and owned by Daphne Macpherson; created in 1991

empty Chinook's Bad Apple
Dapple grey Percheron gelding customized from the Breyer Traditional Belgian and owned by Gail Berg; created in 1991

empty Chinook's Mariah
Chestnut Belgian filly customized from the Breyer Traditional Clydesdale Foal and owned by Jan Stevens; created in 1990

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020