Stone Coast Gold Topaz
Palomino Morgan filly customized from the Breyer
Classic Andalusian Foal and owned by Jen Phelps; created in 1989
Chestnut Morgan filly customized from the Breyer
Proud Arab Foal and owned by Nickie Hunter; created in 1990
Rain Increasing Tempo
Dappled grey American Saddlebred mare customized
from the Breyer Stablemate Saddlebred and owned by Caroline Garcia;
created in 1985
Bay Cleveland Bay/Thoroughbred gelding customized
from the Breyer Traditional Trakehner and owned by Michelle Bacon;
created in 1989
Grey Irish Sporthorse gelding customized from the
Breyer Traditional Adios and owned by Lisa Strang; created in
Grey Andalusian stallion customized from the Breyer
Stablemate Thoroughbred Mare, Morgan Stallion and Morgan Mare
molds, owned by Kate Cabot; created in 1997
Grey Andalusian stallion customized from a Donna
Chaney Mini Resin and owned by Shelly Nelson; created in 1997
Bay roan Quarter Horse/Arabian mare customized from
the Breyer Stablemate Arabian Mare/Thoroughbred Mare molds and
owned by Beth Warren
Bay Warmblood gelding customized from the Breyer
Tradional Hanoverian and owned by Kate Cabot; created in 1992.
Sold to Kate Cabot, she showed this horse to many championships
and has recently had him done over to a chestnut horse and continues
to show him
Chestnut Anglo-Arabian mare customized from the Breyer
Classic Silky Sullivan and owned by Leslie Horton; created in