empty Poco Muffin
Grulla Sicillian Donkey jenny customized from the Kaiser Standing Donkey and owned bya Janet Piercy

empty empty Top Kick
Grulla Sicillian Donkey jack customized from the Kaiser Kicking Donkey and owned by Janet Piercy.

empty Name Unknown
Chestnut draft mule filly customized from the Breyer Traditional Lying Foal

empty empty Name Unknown
Seal Bay blanketed Appaloosa mule customized from the Kathleen Moody resin, "Aristotle" and owned by Lisa Orton

empty Name Unknown
Grey mule customized from unknown; created 2001.

empty Banjo
Seal bay mule customized from unknown; created 2003 for Kim Janes.

empty Party Favor
Seal bay blanket appaloosa mule customized from the Grace Newhouse "Carrot Top" resin; created 2006.

empty Bad Ass
Seal bay minimal tobiano pinto mule customized from the Jennifer Reid Uranus resin; created 2007.

empty Name unknown
Varigated shade of brown with minimal tobiano markings mule customized from the Kitty Cantrell Calliope resin; created 2006.

empty Name unknown
Bay mule customized from the Carol Herndon Shazam resin; created 2007.

empty Names unknown
Bay mules, customized from the Bonnie Shields John Henry resin; created 2008.

empty Names unknown
Black mule, customized from the Bonnie Shields John Henry resin; created 2009.

empty Name unknown
Light golden chestnut with extreme pangere mule, customized from the Melanie Miller Jasmine resin; created 2008.

empty Name unknown
Bay mule, customized from the Melanie Miller Ears Forward Jasmine resin; created 2008.

empty I'm Peachy-Keen
Red dun pinto mule, customized from the Melanie Miller Ears back Jasmine resin; created 2009.

empty Name unknown
Bay-silver varnished/marbled blanket appaloosa mule, customized from the Pat Sinott Hey Mule resin; created 2008.

empty Pauline
Bay mule customized from the Brigitte Eberl Mulinette resin; created 2007.

empty Name unknown
Dun minimal leopard appaloosa mule customized from the Brigitte Eberl Mulinette resin; created 2009. This is the piece that Chris was working on when on TV (see link on home page).

empty Beautiful Noise
Bay appaloosa mule, customized from the Brigitte Eberl Mulinette resin; created 2008; fill in work, took three years to complete. In progress photos below, and photos of the real mule that inspired this piece.

empty Pearl
Dapple grey mule, customized by Sue Thompsonfrom the Brigitte Eberl Mulinette resin, painted by Chris Flint; created 2009. In progress photos below.

empty Name unknown
Red roan mule foal, customized from the Breyer scratching foal; created 2010 as a donation for the 2010 Red Dirt Roundup Live.

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020