empty At this time, I have no information about this company except that they have model horses in their line.

Left: Cantering Horse (#A166), shown as "Lo Rider," POA gelding owned by Barri Mayse (another version of this horse, owned by Patricia Ohlott, can be seen below)

empty Mare and Foal in Light Grey
Photo provided by Janice Whitcomb; this piece was thought to be an Andrea by Sedak but reidentified as a Norcrest

empty Rearing Horse in Light Grey
Shown as "Arctic Snow," Thoroughbred stallion owned by Janice Whitcomb

empty Bowing foal in Light Grey
Owned/images provided by GWR.


empty Draft Horse in Grey
Shown as "Yakut," draft stallion owned by Traci Durrell-Khalife

empty Draft Horse in Chestnut
Shown as "Sir Lyndham," Suffolk Punch stallion owned by Traci Durrell-Khalife

empty Draft Horse in Glossy Bay (A241)
Shown as "Wrexham Dasher," Shire gelding owned by Patricia Ohlott

empty Draft Horse (A749)
5.5" tall; shown as "Simplicity," owned by Barri Mayse

empty Cantering Appaloosa
Owned by Patricia Ohlott

empty Standing Horse, Repainted (A609, 7" tall)
Painted by Barri Mayse in 1975, owned by Patricia Ohlott

emptyStanding Horses (6" tall)
Left: Norcrest (#A285) copy with white markings added, owned by Barri Mayse

Right: Josef Original, owned by Kim Fairbrother

empty Quarter Horse (6" tall)
Image provided by Vanessa Brown.

empty Standing Horse (A749)
5.5" tall; shown as "Minnie Tonka," Appaloosa mare owned by Barri Mayse

empty Cantering Appaloosa
5" tall; shown as "Whatta Rush" owned by Barri Mayse

empty Standing Appaloosa
Owned by Vanessa Brown

empty Walking Horse in Bay
Shown as "Rivoli," Selle Francais gelding owned by Traci Durrell-Khalife

empty Saddlebred in black
#56 he is 6 1/4" tall. Image provided by owner Jeri Harris.

empty Walking gelding in brown
Traditional scale brown walking horse with original foil Norcrest sticker. Owned by Tiffany Tran.

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This page is maintained by the Model Horse Gallery Curator. ©1996-2020